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Schools We Proudly Serve

Poinciana High School - Osceola School District, FL. 

Future Focus steps in for mentoring & offering wins for self-esteem, self-efficacy and educational success. Our program helps students to navigate their circumstances, day-to-day feelings, academic & personal journeys. The programs we offer focus on academic, socio-emotional and enrichment areas. They are instrumental to student development. 


Students have the opportunity to have one/one, seminars and create action plans. They also meet in groups with other students in the program to have circle talks, engage with community leaders and student mentors. 


Future Focus advocates for students in Spanish through outreach and community events. We meet with parents/guardians to discus 504 & I.E.P accommodations, having a school psychologist present. ESL - (Every Student Leads) by leaning on student relationships with parents to gain trust with translating/communicating the need and using a Spanish speaking stakeholder to facilitate events.


Future Focus facilitates peer mentorship through the Leadership Program- CRU (Champions Rise Up). Through the power of peer relations, we believe that by having students see their potential, others will see it in them as well. Our CRU program offers a bridge of mentorship between high school to high school to middle school students. Forming a relationship not only with each other but with the future environment they will interact with on a daily basis. Getting young students familiar with staff and stakeholders to help transition into high school. Future Focus will be a continued support system. 


The Future Focused meets students where they are generationally, using technology of the times via the FOCUSED App. This allows for student driven programming and communication which gives students ownership of their journey toward success. FOCUSED a customized app which allows the students in our program access to a specialized curriculum that includes topics on: 

  • Mindfulness

  • College & Career Readiness

  • Self Esteem & Anti Bullying

  • Engagement in Positive Behaviors & School Attendance

The FOCUSED app allows students to communicate together in groups and individually with Mentors. It uses a tracking system that rewards them for completing tasks in the app and allows Mentors to track student success in the program. 

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